Quick overview of what fuel telematics is all about – what tasks and what fleet manager problems it can solve.
Fuel tank re-fueling control
Fueling control gives user of GPS vehicles tracking system ability to monitor where, when and how much fuel was filled into the tank; it detects manipulations with fuel and, consequently, reduces the operating costs of transport.
Information on raising or lowering the fuel level comes from fuel level sensor, and vehicles tracking system that determines the location and time of the event.
Fuel theft protection
Fuel theft control is carried out technically similarly to fueling control. Terminal of vehicle tracking system receives dаta about changes of fuel level in the tank from fuel level sensor.
User of vehicle tracking system knows about the unauthorized fuel draining almost immediately.
Measurement of the actual engine fuel consumption
To solve this task fuel flow meter, fuel level sensor and/or dаta, derived from the CAN bus of a vehicle can be used. Fuel flow meters usually very accurate – around 1% max inaccuracy, calculating both inflow and outflow from the engine and so detecting actual consumption in each particular moment; fuel level sensors capable of calculation general fuel consumption over longer periods of time, as they calculate consumption by indirect method and so giving inaccuracy around 5%; connection to the standard sensors via CANbus is easy and quick, but gives only overall image of consumption, as standard sensors on vehicles are at least 10-15% inaccurate.
Driving quality control
With fuel telematics it is possible to detect violations of driving rules and operation technology, like insufficient lowering of the plow on agricultural machinery(job is not fulfilled fully) or decreased duration of heating burners operation time, not talking about unnecessary engine speed. Fuel telematics provides exact information about real fuel consumption and prevents fuel draining, fuel fraud and fuel over consumption. Knowing the information about the current fuel consumption, the driver or fleet manager can select the most economical way of operations.
Monitoring the technical conditions of machines
General increase of fuel consumption in compare with previous periods may be a sign of engine problems and can so can help technical team detect and solve it before it turns into bigger engine failure.
Engine operation time control
Typically, GPS vehicle tracking systems determine motion time of a vehicle. However, considerable amount of machines, especially special, works without any movements. In this case fuel flow meter can detect fuel flow in different modes, controlling engine operation time.
By knowing the fuel consumption in idle, average and maximum load, tracking system can accurately calculate the time of the engine in a particular mode.
Contact us and we will advice on best fuel control solutions for your case!