Category: Wagencontrol News & Updates

How do you control fuel volume in a returned work rented machine?

How do you control fuel volume in a returned work rented machine?

Many rental companies use full-to-full fuel policy. Simple and easy. Easy with standard road vehicles. But if you are involved in a special machine telematics, like elevating work platforms, than you are aware of one issue – virtually nonexistent fuel indicators on a dashboard. How to check if returned vehicle’s tank is really full, if there is no fuel indicator?

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Middle of the summer and you still in the office? Simple steps to finally get to the sea

If you are unfortunate enough to spend the whole summer in the office, here is a simple way to get yourself to a lake, river or even sea side. And if fortunate enough – even on a cruise, without spending any money on your side – no kidding!

And the trick here is this – you should start working with vessels. As most of my connections here are in vehicle telematics, this may seem as a big shift of a business activity, but in reality, it is not that different, and potentially a very lucrative market. And yes, you will hang around sea shore much more often!

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How connected car can be influenced via the Internet – video case

In our previous post OBD-trackers – how big is the danger? we have argued that OBD trackers, that are connected directly to CANbus of the vehicle, can be dangerous. Some readers commented that the whole topic is a scaremongering and danger is not so big, if even real. And after all, none of this ever happened to date. But it is either a wishful thinking or like arguing that patient never died before, so guess what – he will live forever.

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OBD-trackers – how big is the danger?

OBD-plugged GPS trackers are gaining momentum – and for a good reason. Every modern vehicle has a service OBD2 plug. Such plug grants access to many of standard digital buses: CAN, ISO 9141, J1850, as well as power supply. All that makes OBD trackers so popular – they are so easy to install – technicians don’t need to look for a suitable place to install a tracker, plan cabling and search for places to connect to standard sensors and digital interfaces – everything is in one, easily accessible place. Many well-known GPS tracker manufacturers have OBD trackers among their standard offer – Queclink , Teltonika, Ubotech, CalAmp to name a few.

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How to implement eco driving – 3 major steps

Eco driving is a popular concept nowadays, even though fuel prices are a bit in a retreat. But damage to the environment is the same, and governments are closely looking into possibility to increase fuel charges to bring fuel price to the same level as one or two years ago, simply motivating it by – consumers will not feel the difference, as oil is now cheaper. This means that reduction of fuel use, optimization of consumption is as important as ever.

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How car-makers in EU measure fuel consumption of their vehicles?

Why actual fuel consumption in most of the cases differs from what automaker or central computer claims?

What is it – inevitable error or intentional skullduggery?

In reality, there is no global conspiracy on fuel use among car-makers. Everything is more or less simple – you cannot please everyone. Some people live in suburban Berlin, and usually stuck in traffic, others use their car only on highway. Someone lives in the mountains, while someone else is a taxi driver with all possible consequences. Someone travels alone, someone – only with passengers… We can continue forever.

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How to integrate fuel telematics into your GPS tracking solutions

In order to implement fuel control within GPS tracing solution, one can use 2 basic approaches: analyze info from the CANbus or use additional sensors. CANbus holds info from standard sensors, it easy to connect to it but info can be used only for general understanding of fuel usage on a vehicle, as inaccuracy can reach 10-15%. Special fuel sensors take more time for installation, but accrued data can be used for precise driver style analyzing, fuel theft prevention and as a reliable source of info for general fuel saving procedures.

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