If you are unfortunate enough to spend the whole summer in the office, here is a simple way to get yourself to a lake, river or even sea side. And if fortunate enough – even on a cruise, without spending any money on your side – no kidding!
And the trick here is this – you should start working with vessels. As most of my connections here are in vehicle telematics, this may seem as a big shift of a business activity, but in reality, it is not that different, and potentially a very lucrative market. And yes, you will hang around sea shore much more often!
My company has been in vehicle telematics sensors for a long time, and now we developed the next generation of sensors – DFM Marine flow meters, suitable for enormous engines they use.

A lot of small and medium commercial vessels are relatively old and need some kind of additional equipment to evaluate their performance, especially in terms of fuel use. Vessels have tons of fuel, and there is no lack of theft there.
Plus, accurate data is also necessary for trip planning, engine diagnostics and servicing. And it is not of a such a big difference then good-old flow meters for construction or agriculture machines. Select the right model, install and connect it your data acquisition device – that is.
We have a great recent example of the effects of such fuel control on river vessels on Russian rivers. Client installed flow meters on all of the engines on the vessel, 2-week trip began. So, when it was over, the client told us, that he has returned all investments into this system – in form of saved fuel. What used to be a “normal, historically proven consumption” for such a trip, turned out to be a massively distorted by fuel theft.
So, pack your stuff and head to the sea side, get rid of your “white walker tan” and create great business case along the way!

More on DFM Marine fuel flow meters here.